
(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /.git/HEAD
# Route name Path Log
1 _twig_error_test /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
2 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
3 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
4 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
5 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
6 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
7 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
8 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
9 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
10 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
11 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
12 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
13 affecation_numero_compte_numero_zone_index /affecation-numero-compte-numero-zone/ Path does not match
14 affecation_numero_compte_numero_zone_new /affecation-numero-compte-numero-zone/new Path does not match
15 affecation_numero_compte_numero_zone_show /affecation-numero-compte-numero-zone/{id} Path does not match
16 affecation_numero_compte_numero_zone_edit /affecation-numero-compte-numero-zone/{id}/edit Path does not match
17 affecation_numero_compte_numero_zone_delete /affecation-numero-compte-numero-zone/{id} Path does not match
18 affectation_numero_zone_index /affectation-numero-zone/ Path does not match
19 affectation_numero_zone_new /affectation-numero-zone/new Path does not match
20 affectation_numero_zone_show /affectation-numero-zone/{id} Path does not match
21 affectation_numero_zone_edit /affectation-numero-zone/{id}/edit Path does not match
22 affectation_numero_zone_delete /affectation-numero-zone/{id} Path does not match
23 connexionAnneee /annee/connexion/{id} Path does not match
24 annee_index /annee/ Path does not match
25 annee_new /annee/new Path does not match
26 annee_show /annee/{id} Path does not match
27 annee_edit /annee/{id}/edit Path does not match
28 annee_delete /annee/{id} Path does not match
29 approvisionnement_index /approvisionnement/ Path does not match
30 ajoutAppro /approvisionnement/add Path does not match
31 approvisionnement_new /approvisionnement/new Path does not match
32 approvisionnement_show /approvisionnement/{id} Path does not match
33 approvisionnement_edit /approvisionnement/{id}/edit Path does not match
34 approvisionnement_delete /approvisionnement/{id} Path does not match
35 banque_caisse_index /banque-caisse/ Path does not match
36 banque_caisse_new /banque-caisse/new Path does not match
37 banque_caisse_show /banque-caisse/{id} Path does not match
38 banque_caisse_edit /banque-caisse/{id}/edit Path does not match
39 banque_caisse_delete /banque-caisse/{id} Path does not match
40 categorie_depense_index /categorie-depense/ Path does not match
41 categorie_depense_new /categorie-depense/new Path does not match
42 categorie_depense_show /categorie-depense/{id} Path does not match
43 categorie_depense_edit /categorie-depense/{id}/edit Path does not match
44 categorie_depense_delete /categorie-depense/{id} Path does not match
45 listeCommissionPDVJSON /liste-commision-pdv/{id} Path does not match
46 listeCommissionJSON /liste-commision Path does not match
47 commission /commission Path does not match
48 compte_banque_caisse_index /compte-banque-caisse/ Path does not match
49 compte_banque_caisse_new /compte-banque-caisse/new Path does not match
50 compte_banque_caisse_show /compte-banque-caisse/{id} Path does not match
51 compte_banque_caisse_edit /compte-banque-caisse/{id}/edit Path does not match
52 compte_banque_caisse_delete /compte-banque-caisse/{id} Path does not match
53 compte_gerant_index /compte/gerant/ Path does not match
54 compte_gerant_new /compte/gerant/new Path does not match
55 compte_gerant_show /compte/gerant/{id} Path does not match
56 compte_gerant_edit /compte/gerant/{id}/edit Path does not match
57 compte_gerant_delete /compte/gerant/{id} Path does not match
58 configuration_index /configuration/ Path does not match
59 configuration_new /configuration/new Path does not match
60 configuration_show /configuration/{id} Path does not match
61 configuration_edit /configuration/{id}/edit Path does not match
62 configuration_delete /configuration/{id} Path does not match
63 decaissement_index /decaissementsssss/ Path does not match
64 decaissement_new /decaissementsssss/new Path does not match
65 decaissement_show /decaissementsssss/{id} Path does not match
66 decaissement_edit /decaissementsssss/{id}/edit Path does not match
67 decaissement_delete /decaissementsssss/{id} Path does not match
68 depense_index /depense/ Path does not match
69 depense_new /depense/new Path does not match
70 depense_show /depense/{id} Path does not match
71 depense_edit /depense/{id}/edit Path does not match
72 depense_delete /depense/{id} Path does not match
73 details_approvisionnement_index /details/approvisionnement/ Path does not match
74 details_approvisionnement_new /details/approvisionnement/new Path does not match
75 details_approvisionnement_show /details/approvisionnement/{id} Path does not match
76 details_approvisionnement_edit /details/approvisionnement/{id}/edit Path does not match
77 details_approvisionnement_delete /details/approvisionnement/{id} Path does not match
78 addInventaire /inventaire/add Path does not match
79 listeProduitsInventaire /inventaire/listeProduit Path does not match
80 ficheInventaire /inventaire/fiche-inventaire Path does not match
81 details_inventaire_index /inventaire/ Path does not match
82 details_inventaire_new /inventaire/new Path does not match
83 details_inventaire_show /inventaire/{id} Path does not match
84 details_inventaire_edit /inventaire/{id}/edit Path does not match
85 details_inventaire_delete /inventaire/{id} Path does not match
86 details_transfert_index /details/transfert/ Path does not match
87 details_transfert_new /details/transfert/new Path does not match
88 details_transfert_show /details/transfert/{id} Path does not match
89 details_transfert_edit /details/transfert/{id}/edit Path does not match
90 details_transfert_delete /details/transfert/{id} Path does not match
91 listeDesVentesJSON /details-vente/liste-vente Path does not match
92 detailsVentePDV_PDF /details-vente/vente-PDF/{id}/PDV Path does not match
93 detailsVentePDV /details-vente/vente/{id}/PDV Path does not match
94 totalVentePDV /details-vente/totalvente/{id}/PDV Path does not match
95 details_vente_index /details-vente/ Path does not match
96 details_vente_new /details-vente/new Path does not match
97 details_vente_show /details-vente/{id} Path does not match
98 details_vente_edit /details-vente/{id}/edit Path does not match
99 details_vente_delete /details-vente/{id} Path does not match
100 encaissement_index /encaissementssssssss/ Path does not match
101 encaissement_new /encaissementssssssss/new Path does not match
102 encaissement_show /encaissementssssssss/{id} Path does not match
103 encaissement_edit /encaissementssssssss/{id}/edit Path does not match
104 encaissement_delete /encaissementssssssss/{id} Path does not match
105 filtre /filtre Path does not match
106 rapportListeComptePDV /liste-compte-pdv Path does not match
107 rapportListeDecaisselent /rapport/liste-decaissement Path does not match
108 rapportJListeEncaisselent /rapport/liste-encaissement Path does not match
109 rapportJournalierZone /rapport-journalier-zone Path does not match
110 synthsesVenteZonePDV /synthese-vente-zone-pdv Path does not match
111 liste_envoi_retour_uv /liste-envoi-retour-uv Path does not match
112 numero_par_produit /numero-par-produit Path does not match
113 numero_source_par_produit /numero-source-par-produit Path does not match
114 numero_destination_par_produit /numero-destination-par-produit Path does not match
115 majMvtAgent /gerant/majMVT Path does not match
116 recouvrementAgentConnecte /gerant/recouvrement/agent Path does not match
117 retourContreEspeceAgent /gerant/retour-contre-espece Path does not match
118 recouvrementAgentPDF /gerant/recouvrementPDF/{id} Path does not match
119 recouvrementAgent /gerant/transaction/{id} Path does not match
120 gerant_index /gerant/ Path does not match
121 gerant_new /gerant/new Path does not match
122 gerant_show /gerant/{id} Path does not match
123 gerant_edit /gerant/{id}/edit Path does not match
124 gerant_delete /gerant/{id} Path does not match
125 groupe_index /groupe/ Path does not match
126 groupe_new /groupe/new Path does not match
127 groupe_show /groupe/{id} Path does not match
128 groupe_edit /groupe/{id}/edit Path does not match
129 groupe_delete /groupe/{id} Path does not match
130 groupe_prix_index /groupe-prix/ Path does not match
131 groupe_prix_new /groupe-prix/new Path does not match
132 groupe_prix_show /groupe-prix/{id} Path does not match
133 groupe_prix_edit /groupe-prix/{id}/edit Path does not match
134 groupe_prix_delete /groupe-prix/{id} Path does not match
135 importPrixGroupe /import-prix-groupe Path does not match
136 importNumeroPDV /import-numero-PDV Path does not match
137 import_index /import-index Path does not match
138 listeImport /liste-import/ Path does not match
139 rapportImport /rapport-import/{id} Path does not match
140 import /import Path does not match
141 pdf /pdf Path does not match
142 indexpdfff /pdff Path does not match
143 index / Path does not match
144 infoLibCompteID /libelle-compte/info-produit-par-ID Path does not match
145 libelle_compte_index /libelle-compte/ Path does not match
146 libelle_compte_new /libelle-compte/new Path does not match
147 libelle_compte_show /libelle-compte/{id} Path does not match
148 libelle_compte_edit /libelle-compte/{id}/edit Path does not match
149 libelle_compte_delete /libelle-compte/{id} Path does not match
150 mode_payement_index /mode/payement/ Path does not match
151 mode_payement_new /mode/payement/new Path does not match
152 mode_payement_show /mode/payement/{id} Path does not match
153 mode_payement_edit /mode/payement/{id}/edit Path does not match
154 mode_payement_delete /mode/payement/{id} Path does not match
155 mouvement_agent_edit /mouvement/agent/{id}/edit Path does not match
156 mouvement_agent_delete /mouvement/agent/{id} Path does not match
157 mvt /mouvement-caisse/mvt Path does not match
158 mouvement_caisse_index /mouvement-caisse/ Path does not match
159 mouvement_caisse_new /mouvement-caisse/new Path does not match
160 mouvement_caisse_show /mouvement-caisse/{id} Path does not match
161 mouvement_caisse_edit /mouvement-caisse/{id}/edit Path does not match
162 mouvement_caisse_delete /mouvement-caisse/{id} Path does not match
163 mouvementStockPDV /mouvement/stock/mouvement-stock/{id}/pdv Path does not match
164 mouvementStock /mouvement/stock/mouvement-stock Path does not match
165 mouvement_stock_index /mouvement/stock/ Path does not match
166 mouvement_stock_new /mouvement/stock/new Path does not match
167 mouvement_stock_show /mouvement/stock/{id} Path does not match
168 mouvement_stock_edit /mouvement/stock/{id}/edit Path does not match
169 mouvement_stock_delete /mouvement/stock/{id} Path does not match
170 mouvement_transfert_index /mouvement-transfert/ Path does not match
171 retourEspece /mouvement-transfert/encaissement Path does not match
172 entreeDeCaisse /mouvement-transfert/entree-de-caisse Path does not match
173 envoiEspece /mouvement-transfert/retour-contre-espece Path does not match
174 retourUV /mouvement-transfert/retour-uv Path does not match
175 mouvement_transfert_new /mouvement-transfert/envoi-uv Path does not match
176 numero_compte_index /numero/compte/ Path does not match
177 numero_compte_new /numero/compte/new Path does not match
178 numero_compte_show /numero/compte/{id} Path does not match
179 numero_compte_edit /numero/compte/{id}/edit Path does not match
180 numero_compte_delete /numero/compte/{id} Path does not match
181 ajoutNumeroComptePDV /numero-compte-pdv/add Path does not match
182 mouvementComptePDV /numero-compte-pdv/{id}/mouvement-compte-pdv Path does not match
183 listeComptePDV /numero-compte-pdv/{id}/liste-compte-pdv Path does not match
184 numero_compte_pdv_index /numero-compte-pdv/ Path does not match
185 numero_compte_pdv_new /numero-compte-pdv/new Path does not match
186 numero_compte_pdv_show /numero-compte-pdv/{id} Path does not match
187 numero_compte_pdv_edit /numero-compte-pdv/{id}/edit Path does not match
188 numero_compte_pdv_delete /numero-compte-pdv/{id} Path does not match
189 numero_index /numero/ Path does not match
190 numero_new /numero/new Path does not match
191 numero_show /numero/{id} Path does not match
192 numero_edit /numero/{id}/edit Path does not match
193 numero_delete /numero/{id} Path does not match
194 numero_zone_index /numero/zone/ Path does not match
195 numero_zone_new /numero/zone/new Path does not match
196 numero_zone_show /numero/zone/{id} Path does not match
197 numero_zone_edit /numero/zone/{id}/edit Path does not match
198 numero_zone_delete /numero/zone/{id} Path does not match
199 operateur_index /operateur/ Path does not match
200 operateur_new /operateur/new Path does not match
201 operateur_show /operateur/{id} Path does not match
202 operateur_edit /operateur/{id}/edit Path does not match
203 operateur_delete /operateur/{id} Path does not match
204 suppPDV /pdv/supprimer/{id} Path does not match
205 imprimer_transaction_PDF /pdv/imprimer-transaction/{id} Path does not match
206 transactionPDV /pdv/transaction/{id} Path does not match
207 imprimer_performance_PDF /pdv/imprimer-performance/{id} Path does not match
208 performancePDV /pdv/performance/{id} Path does not match
209 imprimer_PDV_PDF /pdv/imprimer-pdv Path does not match
210 p_d_v_index /pdv/ Path does not match
211 p_d_v_new /pdv/new Path does not match
212 p_d_v_show /pdv/{id} Path does not match
213 p_d_v_edit /pdv/{id}/edit Path does not match
214 p_d_v_delete /pdv/{id} Path does not match
215 majPrix /prix/maj Path does not match
216 prix_index /prix/ Path does not match
217 prix_new /prix/new Path does not match
218 prix_show /prix/{id} Path does not match
219 prix_edit /prix/{id}/edit Path does not match
220 prix_delete /prix/{id} Path does not match
221 listeProduitParOerateur /produits/liste-produit-par-operateur Path does not match
222 infoProduitID /produits/info-produit-par-ID Path does not match
223 infoProduit /produits/info-produit Path does not match
224 produits_index /produits/ Path does not match
225 produits_new /produits/new Path does not match
226 produits_show /produits/{id} Path does not match
227 produits_edit /produits/{id}/edit Path does not match
228 produits_delete /produits/{id} Path does not match
229 editRapportJournalierZone /edit-rapport-journalier-zone Path does not match
230 listeDecaissement /liste-decaissement Path does not match
231 listeEncaissement /liste-encaissement Path does not match
232 rapportUV /rapport-UV Path does not match
233 suppStock /stock/pdv/supp-stock/{id} Path does not match
234 majPDTPDV /stock/pdv/maj-PDT-PDV Path does not match
235 stockParPDV /stock/pdv/liste-produit-par-pdv Path does not match
236 stock_p_d_v_index /stock/pdv/ Path does not match
237 stock_p_d_v_new /stock/pdv/new Path does not match
238 stock_p_d_v_show /stock/pdv/{id} Path does not match
239 stock_p_d_v_edit /stock/pdv/{id}/edit Path does not match
240 stock_p_d_v_delete /stock/pdv/{id} Path does not match
241 transfert_index /transfert/ Path does not match
242 transfert_new /transfert/new Path does not match
243 transfert_show /transfert/{id} Path does not match
244 transfert_edit /transfert/{id}/edit Path does not match
245 transfert_delete /transfert/{id} Path does not match
246 type_gerant_index /type/gerant/ Path does not match
247 type_gerant_new /type/gerant/new Path does not match
248 type_gerant_show /type/gerant/{id} Path does not match
249 type_gerant_edit /type/gerant/{id}/edit Path does not match
250 type_gerant_delete /type/gerant/{id} Path does not match
251 type_pdv_index /type/pdv/ Path does not match
252 type_pdv_new /type/pdv/new Path does not match
253 type_pdv_show /type/pdv/{id} Path does not match
254 type_pdv_edit /type/pdv/{id}/edit Path does not match
255 type_pdv_delete /type/pdv/{id} Path does not match
256 user_money_index /user/money/ Path does not match
257 user_money_new /user/money/new Path does not match
258 user_money_show /user/money/{id} Path does not match
259 user_money_edit /user/money/{id}/edit Path does not match
260 user_money_delete /user/money/{id} Path does not match
261 syntheseVentePDVZone /vente/synthese-vente-pdv Path does not match
262 ajoutVente /vente/add Path does not match
263 listeProduitsParPDV /vente/liste-produit-par-pdv Path does not match
264 vente_index /vente/ Path does not match
265 vente_new /vente/new Path does not match
266 vente_show /vente/{id} Path does not match
267 vente_edit /vente/{id}/edit Path does not match
268 vente_delete /vente/{id} Path does not match
269 zone_index /zone/ Path does not match
270 zone_new /zone/new Path does not match
271 zone_show /zone/{id} Path does not match
272 zone_edit /zone/{id}/edit Path does not match
273 zone_delete /zone/{id} Path does not match
274 fos_user_security_login /login Path does not match
275 fos_user_security_check /login_check Path does not match
276 fos_user_security_logout /logout Path does not match
277 fos_user_profile_show /profile/ Path does not match
278 fos_user_profile_edit /profile/edit Path does not match
279 fos_user_registration_register /register/ Path does not match
280 fos_user_registration_check_email /register/check-email Path does not match
281 fos_user_registration_confirm /register/confirm/{token} Path does not match
282 fos_user_registration_confirmed /register/confirmed Path does not match
283 fos_user_resetting_request /resetting/request Path does not match
284 fos_user_resetting_send_email /resetting/send-email Path does not match
285 fos_user_resetting_check_email /resetting/check-email Path does not match
286 fos_user_resetting_reset /resetting/reset/{token} Path does not match
287 fos_user_change_password /profile/change-password Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.